Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jennifer is on YouTube!

Ok, this was a FEEEEEW years ago, but I had to share. Don't mind the unflattering angle or the fact that I forgot the lyrics halfway through the song. The fact is that I got my butt up there with a LIVE band and sang a song I had only practiced for a week! It was for a competition to perform at the Rose Festival (I believe). It was called Big Band Karaoke.

A funny side note, the judging was based on audience applause. I, unfortunately, had only brought two other people with me. Some people brought 20+ people with them. The judge who had the "applause-o-meter" actually came up and told me that I should have won based on talent and that my "applause rating" was literally right under the top two finalists (who had brought with them an army of many, many friends). It made my night, even if I didn't win.