Monday, November 12, 2012

Let's talk about friends baby, let's talk about you and me.

Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be.
(because inserting the Friends theme song just didn't fit my style.)

Soooo... after kind of emptying all of the craziness running around in my head yesterday, someone snapped me back into reality (Thank you Jenna).

It is amazing how friends help you, especially in your biggest time of need. And my friend had a point, I am not broken. The phrase should have been, I WAS broken, and I have a lot of people to thank for helping me pick up all of the pieces this year.

The last year in my 20s has been a very interesting one, and probably the best year! I have made so many new friends this year and found some from a long time ago that I really missed. I've been introduced to so many new things and done so many new things that I never thought I would ever do. Who do I have to thank for that? My amazing friends.

You know the phrase... Love is a many splendid thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love

Well, replace love with the word "friends" and it is still as true (the grammar may just be a little off, just go with it).

My friends are awesome and while there are so many to thank, I'll leave it a little generic so that no one feels left out... because I love you all.

Thank you for...
Introducing me to some delicious baked goods.
Teaching me about cars and fashion.
Getting me excited about running a 10K (even if I was too hungover to run).
Coming over for game night and yelling obscenities during Taboo.
Going with me to a place I had on my 30 year bucket list ;)
Drinking all my leftover beer when I absolutely hated it.
Teaching me beer pong.
Motivating me when I thought I had nothing left to give.
Listening to me rant when that's all I needed to do.
Dressing up for the many ridiculous theme parties I hosted.
Getting amazingly smashed and having a lot of fun.
Thank you to everyone that stood beside me this year. I had cancer removed, another cancer scare on my skin, and a mental health diagnosis. This year I have been all over the map with my ups and downs and you were there to help me through it.

Thank you. I could not have done it without you. =)

1 comment:

  1. We love you Jenn!! You're amazing and inspire each of us in a different way.
